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9 Sep 2024 5:25 pm
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Sumela » 09 Sep 2024, 12:51 pm » wrote: DAMN....

I hope he does not dig too deeply into that stinky $250 BILLION Ukraine grift.

Cuckies will **** down their own throats.
The U.S. support for Ukraine is the result of NATO commitments... and since ALL NATO countries (Including now Finland and Sweden) believe that Russia is trying to REBUILD their empire... at the expense of Ukraine, the Baltics, Poland, Finland, Sweden... there are quite a few of those nations who are NOW READY (including France, Germany, and maybe England )... who are READY to go into Ukraine and help them BEAT BACK Russia... AND, if Ukraine EVER starts to look like they're losing ground to Russia... I think they will !

ALSO... I hate to say it, but the USA's commitments to Ukraine is actually an attempt to KEEP the Peace... So... It's NOT "stinky", and if the rest have their way... THEY will just go in and KICK Russia THE HELL OUT of Ukraine.. and probably free Belarus in the process !!  ...and the SOONER the better ! 

The BEST thing Russia could do at this point it to just GET OUT of Ukraine, and END this war... it will NOT end any better for Russia if they keep fighting !!

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