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10 Sep 2024 8:55 am
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Sumela » 09 Sep 2024, 7:55 pm » wrote: HAHAHA...


NOPE... Just ASSURING the Security of ALL NATO nations, from a Marxist Totalitarian Dictator (i.e. Putin), who a jest or so ago THOUGHT he could re-constitute the Soviet Union... HA!!  ...BUT NOW, he must be hoping he can JUST hold on to what's LEFT !

YOU KNOW that MOST of the NATO countries have DOUBLED their defense spending after what Russia did... and are arming themselves with superior weapons, that put what's LEFT of the Russian arsenal to shame... and MANY NATO populations READY to JUST END the Russian threat... and a Russian population that RIGHT NOW sounds like they're READY for a change in leadership... and with HALF a reason do do so... MIGHT just kick Vladimir Putin to the curb... for a NEW START !

As for me?  I think 90% of Joe Biden's spending while in office was WASTEFUL, WRONG HEADED, and STUPID... BUT, what has been spent supporting Ukraine... WAS NONE OF THAT !  Russia has ALREADY LOST more than they will EVER be able to recoup... (i.e.  1. The loss of Finland & Sweden to NATO, 2. MOST NATO nations RAISING their Defense spending SIGNIFICANTLY, and 3. The realization of the WORLD that Russia IS a "Paper Tiger")...

Russia just continues to spiral DOWN, and OUT of control !!

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