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10 Sep 2024 9:09 am
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1,870 posts
Mrkelly » 10 Sep 2024, 8:28 am » wrote: Elon will put a chip in your head to make you compliant
NO... THATS what the Democrats HAVE PROVEN they want to do... by:


2)  WEAPONIZATION of the Government and Government agencies !

3)  Subverting Constitutional RIGHTS... from Freedom of Religion, to Life, Liberty & Pursuit of Happiness, to Equal Justice under the LAW !

4)  WORKING to TAKE control of Peoples Bank Accounts and so, MAKING them SUBSERVIENT to the Government !   and...

5)  REPLACING those Basic Rights, with MANDATES of Anti Religion, WOKE-izm, and SELF DESTRUCTIVE policies that Americaa MUST FOLLOW !!

Elon Musk wants FREEDOM of Speech, Constitutional Rights, and FREEDOM and JUSTICE under the LAW...

SO, YOU are CONFUSED WHO WANTS to put a chip in your head to make you compliant... because it's the DEMOCRAT PARTY !!
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