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11 Sep 2024 8:32 am
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1,870 posts
Kamala REPEATEDLY tried to "accuse" Donald Trump and Republicans of doing EXACTLY what the Democrats, and Democrat Party, are GUILTY of...

1)  Democrats GUILTY of inciting COVID RIOTS all across America in 2020!
2)  Democrats GUILTY of squashing Free Speech, Free religion, and Constitutional RIGHTS !
3)  Democrats GUILTY of STOPPING American Oil production, and SPIKING the cost of oil & gas !
4)  Democrats GUILTY of CREATING INFLATION... and the RISING Prices of EVERYTHING !
5)  Democrat GUILTY of OUT of CONTROL Illegal Immigration !
6)  Democrats GUILTY of Weaponisation of the Federal Government !

However, Kamala tried to accuse Trump of: 1) Inciting revolution on Jan. 6th 2021... 2&6) Abusing the federal government while in office... 3) Being the cause of High oil prices in America... 4) CREATING Inflation in America... and 5) SOMEHOW being the CAUSE of the current Immigration FIASCO...

Anyone with HALF a BRAIN knows the TRUTH, and can separate what Kamala Harris and the Democrats are trying to MAKE America believe... versus what REALLY happened, and the TRUTH  !!  WHATS MORE... IF you didn't know better you would SWEAR that Donald Trump has been in office the last 4 years... HOWEVER... HE has NOT been, But Joe Biden and Kamala Harris HAVE !!

Kamala spent the entire debate trying to TURN what Democrats have done, and BLAME it on Trump.. HOWEVER, Trump was having NONE of it and pointed the finger of blame BACK at HER, and THEM... which is EXACTLY where it is DESERVED !!

SO... the FINAL question.... "Are you better off TODAY than you were under 2016-2020 Trump Presidency?"  As for ME?  HELL NO... I'm NOT !!
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