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13 Sep 2024 7:28 am
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1,870 posts
The ANSWER for Israel regarding their war with HAMAS... is NOT a ceasefire that will permit the Palestinian NAZIS to continue to exist in Gaza, and to reconstitute and REBUILD themselves there... THE ANSWER however IS to... utterly and COMPLETELY DESTROY them !  The hostages? ...are already dead !  HAMAS will NEVER let them go alive, as long as Israel has not capitulated to allow HAMAS to survive in Gaza... and Israel CAN NOT, and SHOULD NOT EVER allow that to happen !!

EVEN if they have to PURGE GAZA of Palestinians (and send them to the West Bank)... and TURN Gaza into the NEWEST settlement, in the GROWTH of Israel... THAT would be a TRUE lesson for HAMAS and the Palestinians... to permit them to continue, and claim victory, is encouraging ALL the WRONG things !!  Israel TRIED a two state solution... but HAMAS has PROVEN it can NEVER WORK !

SO be it !!
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