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13 Sep 2024 9:05 pm
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Sumela » 13 Sep 2024, 5:49 pm » wrote: Thats some funny ****.   Image  
Becoming a WASH DC coffin meat PROXY country was a very very bad idea.
WASH DC will ALWAYS eventually kick yer dumb *** to the curb Image  

Clearly, Satan runs WASH DC.

Lord Bebo@MyLordBebo 1h 
 Half of Ukraine's population is gone!
“According to closed data, the number of active mobile users in Ukraine is 16 million,
active SIM cards about 25 million. There are now about 18-19 million people left in Ukraine”
— former Ukr. PM, Azarov... "Ukraine had 38 mil in 2022"
NOT EVEN CLOSE... AND essentially incorrect !!

Some NOTEWORTHY FACTS... probably 50% of Ukrainian have been invited primarily into Poland, but other nations as well... THOSE primarily being women, children, and young... ALSO, Until recently, Ukraine has been fighting Russia by ONLY drawing conscription of those who are 28 years old and above, that was dropped to 25 a few months ago, and MANY of that age are currently being trained... and may be ready to fight soon. HOWEVER, what Russia REALLY needs to get a GRIP ON... is THIS:

MOST of NATO countries now understand that Russia is NOT looking to peacefully co-exist with NATO...and it looking to slowly, one by one, invade and RE-TAKE many of the countries of eastern Europe... and the Baltic's, Poland, Romania, Finland, Sweden, Germany, and France, (and probably MORE)... ARE READY to take action against Russia, and are BUILDING and TRAINING their militarizes as we speak.  SO, AS LONG as Ukraine is able to effectively fight Russia alone... THEY will be supplied by NATO and America... HOWEVER, when Ukraine begin to look spent, and begin losing ground to Russia... EXPECT ALL of those nations to MOVE ACTIVELY to Ukraine's support...

Russia can BARELY stand up to Ukraine as we SPEAK... WHAT are they going to do when MILLIONS of NEW, TRAINED soldiers, with MODERN Western Military hardware... COME to KICK Russia's ***... with 500 years of HATE and ANIMOSITY in their hearts... and ENDING Russia on their minds... OH, Nuclear weapons you might say?  WELL, NATO has Nuclear weapons also... and Russia will STILL FALL, and I would HATE to be a Russian if that ever happens... I would see MOST of them moved to Siberia... THOSE who survive !!

Russia will be ENDED, forever !!
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