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15 Sep 2024 9:40 am
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jerrab » 14 Sep 2024, 4:02 pm » wrote: I read an interview about a freed hostage. not sure if it is the one in the video. she said the hostages were more afraid of getting killed by the idf than hamas.
SO... HAMAS kidnaps some 130 hostages, as part of a HAMAS incursion into Israel, as they murder some 1500 Israeli citizens WITHIN Israel... AND THEN, retreat back into GAZA... EXPECTING to use the hostages as a shield to protect them, and KEEP the IDF from punishing HAMAS, and ENDING the terror !

WELL, I feel sorry for the hostages, BUT, IT WAS HAMAS that PUT the hostages in Danger, in a CALCULATED and MEASURED act of TERROR... and NOW, IF the hostages DIE because HAMAS PUT them at risk? is NOT the IDF's fault in ANY WAY, SHAPE, or FORM !  THE ONLY thing Israel can do is to ABSOLUTELY CRUSH HAMAS... doing ANYTHING else would only EMBOLDEN HAMAS, and ENCOURAGE MORE of the same !  Israel is actually SAVING MORE hostages, maybe some who have NOT yet been born !   SO, as much as I feel for the hostages... the IDF has no choice, and It was
HAMAS who started this, and it is THEY who need to PAY for it !!!

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