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18 Sep 2024 7:11 am
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Democrats are the MASTERS of DECEPTION !!   What they say, and what the TRUTH is... are TWO COMPLETELY different things... and it's been that way for YEARS now !

1.  Democrats will find a NEW term, to describe something that is NOT GOOD for America.. and then set out to make America believe that it's a "good thing"... cases in point:

a)  INFLATION:  Most Americans will tell you inflation is bad..and Democrats will agree, inflation is BAD... it's a TAX on every man woman and child, DESTROYS out buying power, and makes every dollar in out bank accounts worth LESS !!  HOWEVER, another term/word for inflation is "Quantitative Easing"... something that Ben Bernanke introduced to America in the Obama administration... is NOTHING MORE than the or the printing of money by federal government, making every existing dollar WORTH LESS, and is the CAUSE of, if not EXACTLY the same thing as INFLATION.  TODAY. it is PART of the noose that is tightening around America's neck.. and it's now a STAPLE of U.S. Policy... THANKS to the Democrats !

b)  WOKE-ism:  MOST American will tell you that American Society is comprised of Men and Women... who live, work, and compete as relative equals... BUT, WHAT does it do to society when MEN are treated as women, and permitted to COMPETE as women?  WHEN, Society is NOT men and women.. but is being re-defined as a MIND BOGGLING LAUNDRY list of pronouns, and descriptors.. ALL of which are to be considered UNIQUE, and NOT classified as ONLY men and women... EVEN if they were BORN as ONE or the other... THIS is a policy that will DESTROY Women's sports, DESTROY tens of 1000's of years WORLD culture, and DESTROY America in the process... THANKS to Democrats !

c)  GLOBAL WARMING:  Global Warming is something at began over 20,000 years ago... beginning during a time when Woolly Mammoths roamed the earth, glaciers extended into Michigan and New York, oceans were hundreds of feet lower, New York City was under a mile of ice, the Sahara Dessert was green, and human beings were STILL in the STONE age... and what’s more… ALL of the Geographic and Oceanographic data PROVES that its TRUE !
=11.5pt  The idea that global warming only began a few hundred years ago, and was CAUSED by human beings... is an EXAGGERATION, if not a COMPLETE LIE !  Yet, Nations like China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran are NOT constrained by the LIE... only the west, and PRIMARILY America is... America has been HAMSTRUNG by Democrats to do ALL the WRONG things, to the detriment of (not benefit of) American citizens... and to perpetuate as LIE, and will ultimately NEVER improve ANYTHING... but will provide the Democrats a means to CONRTOL America and Americans !

THESE and SO MANY OTHER Lies that have been pushed by Democrats... THEY as a Party are COMPLETELY UNTRUSTWORTHY... AND WHY
I will NEVER vote for a Democrat again...

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