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18 Sep 2024 8:28 am
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Blackvegetable » Today, 7:27 am » wrote: This won't take long...

What is the objective of "quantitative easing"?
Quantitative Easing (QE) - is the Printing money !   If yesterday there was $1,000,000 in circulation, and today they print ANOTHER $1,000,000 that previously didn't exist... the GOVERNMENT has just devalued the dollar by 50% ! 

So, for MOST PEOPLE, over time:  That "devaluation" will work it's way thru the economy, and will essentially cause the purchasing power of EVERY dollar to decline... by 50 cents (or 50%)... i.e. dinner out that cost $20 before, will cost $40 now... a hotel room that cost $100, will now cost $200... 

HOWEVER, for the Government:  It makes the $35 Trillion debt seem half as daunting for the same reason... because they are DEVALUING IT

Quantitative Easing is essentially a TAX on the American People, but lets the government PRINT and SPEND money, that the American People are paying for... WITHOUT there being EVER a LAW being passed into LAW, or a tax being voted on !!

THAT is the objective of "quantitative easing" !!
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