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Sumela » 18 Sep 2024, 10:12 am » wrote: Israel are the *** of the middle east.

Terrorists who murder children in acts of terrorism.

God has abandoned PISSRAEL....
OH HELL... and the Palestinian terrorists have KILLED THOUSANDS just recently... have been responsible for a DOZEN wars over the last 50 years, where MILLIONS have died... AND YOU IGNORE ALL THAT !!  BUT, find fault in a country fighting to protect itself, and the people who live there ??

YOU are a PIECE of $HIT... and JUSTICE IS... and WILL CONTINUE to BE... DONE !!


OH.. and I'm hearing Ukraine JUST blew up a HUGE weapons depot inside of Russia... the explosions that resulted were heard 20 miles away, blew out windows 2 miles away, and registered as a 2.3 on the earthquake Richter scale !! 

SO, TELL me AGAIN how Russia is winning this WAR?  ...the WAR that THEY STARTED !!
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