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Today 7:28 am
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Putin starts the domino's falling... and NOW is trying to blame NATO?

Putin is an IDIOT, who is ALREADY LOSING the support of his people... and if ANYONE is responsible for starting WW3, it's Vladimir Putin for invading Ukraine, and THEN, NOT being able to make quick work of it! 

INSTEAD, Russia has shown the WORLD that they are a Paper Tiger... ARE NOT an elite military... ARE LOSING a war THEY STARTED with Ukraine... AND NOW, are trying to THREATEN their way to VICTORY? :loco:  

THIS is what will happen if Putin tries to start a Nuclear conflict: 1) America and the West will respond, THEY will quickly DESTROY the Russian state, with weapons they don't even know we have yet... 2)  China will move in to TAKE adjacent lands, and the resources they contain... 3)  Georgia, Belarus, and other semi autonomous Russian states will IMMEDIATELY secede... and 4)  Russia will CHANGE their name to "страна тупых идиотов" (The land of STUPID IDIOTS)... and live the next 1000 years as a NOTHING pariah state !!

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