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14 May 2022 9:28 am
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Xavier_Onassis » 13 May 2022, 1:45 pm » wrote: That is false, there are all manner of ways that Disney was contributing and when DeSantis saw that he would see none of it, he decided to punish Disney.  Like the Mafia burning the pizzeria because the owner decided to contract his own laundry and garbage hauling.
FOR YEARS, the Liberal LEFT have been trying to PUNISH businesses for NOT towing the Liberal line... THAT was ALWAYS OK as far as the Marxist Socialist Radical Liberals were concerned...

BUT, PUT "the shoe on the OTHER FOOT"... and the Liberal YELLING and SCREAMING is DEAFENING !!  HA !!  But I LIKE IT !!  I LIKE the Liberal Yelling and SCREAMING !!  Because YOU KNOW we are doing the RIGHT THING when LIBERALS YELL and SCREAM like that !! 

WE NEED MORE of it...

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