Donald Trump has NOT been convicted of ANYTHING... has been:
1) RE-Elected President of the United States,
2) ELECTED in a LANDSLIDE, and...
3) Democrats are going NUTS... trying to RATIONALIZE to themselves, BLAMING each other, and TOTALLY OBLIVIOUS as to... HOW that EVER happened !!
HA!! Do you THINK Democrats will EVER figure it out? MY Opinion? I don't think they EVER WILL ! Because THAT would require admitting that they have GONE NUTS over the last 10-15 years, with CRAZY, ANTI American, and Pro Totalitarian SOCIALIST policies... AND I don't think THAT will ever happen. FIRST, Democrats are BLINDED to anything that THEY don't WANT to believe, and SECOND, It would require a COMPLETE REPUDIATION of the last 10-15 years of Democrat Policies... and 3) THEY are too ARROGANT and SELF SERVING to EVER ADMIT that they have been 180 degrees OPPOSED to the American people during that time...
WHAT they will do is CONVINCE themselves that THIS was an aberration, and move on... BECAUSE, If they admit they have been WRONG for the last 20 years about EVERYTHING... WHAT are the American people going to do? RE-Align themselves again with a bunch of lying & blind nincompoops? ...OR. move America FORWARD under Donald Trumps MAGA leadership ?