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18 May 2022 2:06 pm
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supraTruth » 15 May 2022, 10:59 pm » wrote: COMMUNIST CHINA, LIKE AMERICA NOW, HAS A FAKE PROGRESSIVE TAX SYSTEM WHERE THEIR TOP INCOME TAX BRACKET IS 45% & STARTS AT 960 000 chinese yuan, which is = to 141,313.63 United States Dollars.


And China also has a FLAT value-added tax (VAT), known in some countries as a goods and services tax (GST), is a type of tax that is assessed incrementally. It is levied on the price of a product or service at each stage of production, distribution, or sale to the end consumer, AGAIN WHAT U RED STATE RNC COMMIES ARE PUSHING FOR!
China ALSO has a government that wants to control EVERYTHING in the country... and are QUICKLY now taking China into HUGE recession, that will be part of what takes America into a recession as well... the problem with China is, America will bounce back.... China maybe never will.  China has/is:

1)  CITIES that are built but no one lives in (Socialist Engineering)...

2)  Essentially a Communist Country... and is SHOWING it more and more..

3)  Imperialist tendencies, and will invade Taiwan at some point...

4)  Has shown themselves to be the enemies for the West, and intent on global domination (100 year plan)...

5)  80% of the work force that can't read or write... because China LIKES it that way... and

6)  TRYING to be a Capitalist country under COMMUNIST Party control... BUT, Capitalism and Communist Totalitarian Party control...  just don't mix !

THAT is also what the American Democrat Party ASPIRES to in America... However, the TWO don't mix, and America's Freedom Loving, Capitalist, and Educated population... will TURN on a Democratic Party that goes too far Marxist/Socialist/Communist... and we MAY be seeing that happen... NOW !!

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