SO... They think they can invade Israel, KILL 1500+ innocent Israelis, take 150 hostages, and there will be NO RETRIBUTION? Well, THAT Retribution was the Utter destruction of Gaza, so far, AND it may well get WORSE from here !
THAN, Do they REALLY think they will be permitted to do it again? DON'T bet on it... If the Palestinian people DO NOT rise up and END Hamas, Israel WILL... It MIGHT take YEARS, in which case the GAZA Condos (see above), and Death and Starvation of the Palestinian people, will continue !
MAYBE it's time for SOMEONE in Gaza to realize, that DOING the SAME STUPID thing, OVER and OVER again... WILL NOT yield a different result ! It's MIGHT be time to THINK, OUT of the BOX... because waging war against Israel is NOT a good bet... and NO ONE in the area is prepared to take Israel on, on the Palestinians behalf... because THEY SEE what will happen (See Iran ) !
MY Prediction... NOTHING changes, and the Palestinian people, will DIE a slow, withering death !