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Today 4:21 pm
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2,596 posts

-  the Democrat Party is TERRIFIED...
-  Dem. Politicians are ACCUSING Republicans of ACTUALLY Governing !
-  Dem. Judges are trying to STOP Republicans from doing WHAT they have the AUTHORITY to DO !
-  The Democrats dont have a Mandate !
-  The Democrats dont have the support of the PEOPLE !
-  The Democrats don't have the LAW on their side !
-  The Democrats are JUST SQUEALING like stuck PIGS ! and
-  They are FIGHTING a FIGHT they don't have the RIGHT to FIGHT !!

GOOD LUCK Dummy-craps !  I think the Marxist Socialist Liberal Dummy-craps are a DEAD Party... THEY just don't realize THEY are DOA !

Updated 4 minutes ago
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