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15 Feb 2025 7:38 am
15 Feb 2025 7:38 am
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2,633 posts

Since the election of 2016... Donald Trump has systematically DISMANTLED WACKO Liberalism in America... step by step, corrupt congressman by corrupt congressman, and VICTORY by VICTORY !!

A Republican Party that probably reached its LOW with John McCain and Mitt Ronmey back in 2012... has been REBUILT by Donald Trump, and TODAY.... Is dealing a DEATH BLOW to Democrats, as the SYSTEMIC CORRUPTION, WEAPONIZATION, and ABUSE of POWER of Government... is being EXPOSED, PUBLICIZED for all to SEE, and will be ERADICATED (by Trump)... as the Democrats are FIGHTING tooth & nail to maintain the status quo !

American have SEEN it for YEARS... and have been LEAVING the Democrats in droves as a result... the "FAKE News" has  fried to hide it... but recent elections, election victories, and the now OBVIOUS EXODUS of minority, and young voters... have MADE it CLEAR to SEE.... America is changing for the better... and the CORRUPT, Marxist Socialist, Democrat Party is dying...

...GOOD RIDDANCE to THEM, and GOD BLESS America !!!!
Updated 4 minutes ago
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