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Yesterday 12:53 pm
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PhiloBeddo » Today, 10:44 am » wrote: Dems wanted to keep paying big pharma for the vaccine so they could make money and get kickbacks. Trump fires people who don't show up for work or do a **** job. Dem use the Fed Government as a welfare program. ENOUGH.
Yea... the HYPOCRISY of the Democrat Party... they CHEERED when people  were fired from jobs and military service because they DID NOT want to take the COVID shot (which they turned out to be CORRECT on)...  BUT the are going BAT $HIT CRAZY because Donald Trump is firing people that are NOT doing their jobs, are doing them poorly, are TWO timing the system..or just DO NOT exist (fake employees) !!

Do you ever think the Democrat Party is OUT of its MIND?  
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