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Today 8:07 am
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JohnnyYou » Today, 4:36 am » wrote: Shucks Schumer is on Team Kleptocrat money grab. So is Joe BuyedIn from Delaware, World Capital of Corps.

Welcome to the United State of Elon.
CORRECTION:   It's the United States of TRUMP... at LEAST until he CLEANS OUT Washington, DRAINS the swamp, ENDS the Bureaucratic THIEVERY, and MAKES America GREAT again...

Donald Trump is doing EXACTLY what he RAN ON, and WHAT he was ELECTED to DO...  ELON MUSK?  He is NEW to the CORRUPT Politics... but, he is just DOING his JOB, FOR AMERICA, as the CORRUPT Democrat MACHINE is trying to destroy him.  It wont be long however, before he comes OUT of all of this, as the HERO !!  Democrats might not know it... BUT, they are creating a LEGEND... ALONG with TRUMP !  Who will long after these days done, be KNOWN as a HERO in American History... while the "Democrat Party" will be LUCKY to survive, and may well be, and deservedly so, be KICKED to the curb of history !!
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