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8 Jun 2022 6:05 pm
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Cannonpointer » 07 Jun 2022, 9:02 pm » wrote: CNN represents wall street and will continue to do so.If a puppet show of axing failed mouthpieces helps, why WOULDN'T they fire people no one watches - and try to sound proactive and responsive? You expect them to say, Yeah, we're desperate. You saw through us. We suck"? No. They're gonna sy, "I'm the new sheriff and it ends now." They'll say ANYTHING - including sea levels are rising, boys are girls, humans are a cancer, Biden won fair and square - ANYTHING. 

Tell me this - what LIES have they admitted telling? Wht LIES are those anchors being fired for? If they're cleaning up, tell me wht the **** they have cleaned up. Did they admit they lied bout Russia Russia Russia? Did they admit they lied about and slandered Kyle Rittenhouse - tried to kill him? About George Zimmermn? What SPECIFIC wrongs did those anchors get fired for doing?

You are easily bamboozled. Some sorry **** wearing loafers that cost more than your entire Sunday outfit and that of the lady on your arm can fire a losing crew, tell a few easy lies, and have you chortling and thinking your team got a W. The SAME **** are deciding CNN's content today as were deciding it last year. The same multinational demons with the same anti-human agenda.

A **** who cannot recognize the enemy ain't worth much in the trenches. Smarten the **** up. Hurry. The clock is ticking.
"What LIES have they admitted telling? What LIES are those anchors being fired for?"

HA!!  Why don't you ask the people taking over CNN who have ADMITTED that the network had gotten WAY to politically Partisan... and I think everyone understands.. That, THAT means too "Liberally" Partisan !!

All I can tell you, is that for YEARS, CNN has been the LYING MOUTHPIECE of the Radial Democrat Party... and THAT includes REPEATED, and PROFUSE LIES about:

1)  Donald Trumps involvement in Russian Collusion,

2)  Donald Trumps involvement in OTHER illegal Acts, and

3)  VARIOUS other issues that were INTENDED to be embarrassing to Donald Trump... BUT that were NEVER proven, but YET reported as if they were FACT by CNN... For DAY after DAY, MONTH after MONTH, and YEAR after YEAR !!


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