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29 Jun 2022 5:13 pm
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Warcok » 29 Jun 2022, 3:26 pm » wrote: It's now being referred to as "The Jussie 6th Committee" by the media😂🤣
WHAT does "The Mueller Investigation", "Impeachment Investigation #1", "Impeachment Investigation #2",  AND the January 6th Investigation"... ALL have in COMMON ?

ALL were DEMOCRAT Anti Donald Trump Dog & Pony shows... where FACTS and TRUTH had NO PLACE... and they were ALL RIGGED outcomes, in search of a WAY to TRY and make America believe it..

What was the RESULT?  ALL of them were UTTER FAILURES... that ONLY succeeded in making the Democrat Party LOOK like the LYING, DISHONEST, CORRUPT, PACK of SCUMBAGS that they REALLY ARE !!
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