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12 Apr 2022 9:26 am
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SJConspirator » 12 Apr 2022, 9:13 am » wrote: I don’t think Biden can do anything about inflation. I am not an economist. I could be wrong.

What can Biden to to solve inflation problem?
NOTHING now... HE had a chance when he was elected... by NOT spending TRILLIONS of $$$ that we DID NOT HAVE, and DID NOT NEED..

THEN he could have pressured the Fed to start raising interest rates SOONER...

But NOW?  BIDEN can do NOTHING EXCEPT pressure the Fed to raise interest rates quickly... which will CAUSE an economic RECESSION, INITIATE a BEAR Market, and WRING all the excesses OUT of the economy... it will take a couple years, and LOTS of people will lose LOTS of money... and Democrats will have to govern THRU IT...  ACCEPT Responsibility FOR IT, and DEAL with the CONSEQUENCES OF IT !!

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