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4 Jul 2022 12:43 am
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Cannonpointer » 03 Jul 2022, 10:59 pm » wrote: Wely can only fire people we hired. Joe was put over us by our wall street overlords. 

I warned you republicans ten years ago you were dancing with the devil. Now ya know.
I WILL say this... the RADICAL Liberal, Marxist Socialists are 1000 times WORSE than I ever dreamed they were.. I DO BELIEVE... that TODAY they have it in their minds to TAKE OVER the U.S. government... and TURN it into a Marxist Socialist, TOTALITARIAN, Police State... that THEY control !!

Judging by EVERYTHING they have shown us... their LIES, DECEIT, CORRUPTION, ABUSE of POWER, and ATTEMPTS to CONTROL the MINDS of the SMALL minded MINIONS of NEEDY Democrats...

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