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4 Jul 2022 6:56 pm
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Blackvegetable » 04 Jul 2022, 8:28 am » wrote: You struggle with the meaning of words.

How did the number of permits ISSUED in 2021 compare to the number issued in 2020?
YOU struggle with the MEANING of FACTS !  Did YOU READ what the media ANNOUNCED about Oil and Gas Permits that Biden CANCELLED when he was elected... AFTER announcing to the world he would DESTROY Oil and Gas Production in the United States... HE CANCELLED the permits and REINSTATED EPA Regulations that Donald Trump had cancelled, and which LEAD to America becoming ENERGY INDEPENDENT under HIS Watch... Joe Biden's actions had EXACTLY the OPPOSITE effect... WHICH was the plan.  Joe Biden can TRY to blame WHOEVER he wants... Americans KNOW what he DID and WHY... and WHAT the effect has become!

As far as the "NUMBER" of permits goes... the NUMBER of permits is IRRELEVANT... YOU can have a MILLION permits, but IF the NEW permits don't AUTHORIZE and ENABLE Oil Companies to DRILL and PRODUCE OIL... the actual "NUMBER" is COMPLETE BULL **** !!

**** !! ...and SO is your Post !

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