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10 Jul 2022 12:01 pm
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Neo » 10 Jul 2022, 11:33 am » wrote: Lots of rules and election laws were bypassed in the name of Rona. It was OK to gather in the millions to scream about black lives mattering but in person voting on election day was discouraged. Won't happen again.
MANY states have already changed and reinforced election laws, and made the election process better.  THAT was why the Democrat Party went APE-**** about a year ago... TRYING to get the Federal Government to TAKE OVER elections in America... and CLAIMING Republicans were trying to "silence voters"... WHEN, it was the DEMOCRAT Party that was trying to UNCONSTITUTIONALLY "Take Over" elections in America, and ACCUSING Republicans of EXACTLY what the DEMOCRATS were GUILTY of !!  The DEMOCRAT Party effort to take over elections DIED in the Senate, when they could not get "moderate" Democrats (only about TWO left) to support ending the filibuster... It saved America a Supreme Court fight... where I'M SURE the Supreme Court would have ruled in favor of the states !!

I HOPE that the "2000 Mules" Documentary revelations will stoke up some additional law changes... SPECIFICALLY to end the "Drop Boxes" and anything else that has been uncovered that could be used to STEAL and MANIPULATE elections... in states like Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Arizona, and others.... In ANY case... it will NOT be as easy in 2024 as it was in 2020... and America has had its FILL of Joe Biden !!
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