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10 May 2022 1:14 pm
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2,379 posts
The Fact Checkers "OPINIONS" were that D'Souza lied in his Documentary... BUT, they were ONLY "opinions" BECAUSE THAT was proven in COURT !!  IN COURT, Fact Checkers used the defense that THEY ONLY provide their OPINIONS... NOT FACTS !  THIS was their defense when they were SUED relating to statements and "Fact Checking" that they had previously performed... NEVERTHELESS, Dinesh D'Souza subsequently responded:

Opinion Providers Opinions... (BLUE)
“A documentary by Dinesh D’Souza, a far-right commentator, furthers the myth that something sinister occurred with mail ballots during the 2020 election. D’Souza told Fox News that ‘mules’ delivered 400,000 illegal votes. Experts say the evidence D’Souza points to is inherently flawed.
 D’Souza’s argument ignores that in many states, it is legal to drop off a ballot on behalf of another voter, which is especially helpful for voters with disabilities or the elderly. Critics of this practice call it ‘ballot harvesting,’ while election administrators typically use other terms such as ‘ballot collection,'” the fact-checker said.

D'Souza's Response...
“Paying mules to deliver ballots is illegal in every state.”,  “In Georgia you can give your ballot to a family member or caregiver to drop off,”,  “The mules are not family members or caregivers. Politifact is lying to cover up coordinated fraud by its own side in the 2020 election.” Of the five states examined in the film, none allow someone to get paid to pick up and deliver mail-in ballots, Arizona only permits a family member, household member or caregiver to deliver a ballot.  Similarly, Georgia only allows a family or household member.   Pennsylvania permits those who qualify for an emergency absentee ballot to authorize a representative in writing to return their ballot. Further, Michigan allows a household or family member to do so, or an election official when those options are not available. Finally, a Wisconsin judge ruled in January that ballot harvesting is not permitted in the state...
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