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10 May 2022 3:15 pm
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freeman » 10 May 2022, 1:34 pm » wrote: Always safest to begin by believing the opposite of what the self-proclaimed so-called "fact checkers" purport.
They are invariably lefties because that is the brand of slobs that have time to sit around and lie like that and make crap up. They are as skilled at dissimulation as many of Muhammad's followers are.

"Fact Check-COVID-19 vaccines did not skip animal trials because of animal deaths"
Were vaccines animal tested? Another ridiculous Reuters so-called fact-check
No... it's a FACT...

The "Fact Checkers" were taken to court, and their ONLY defense was that they provide OPINIONS...  NOT Facts !!  If so however... MAYBE calling them "FACT Checkers" is FALSE ADVERTISING !!

Maybe we should call them OPINION GIVERS!!

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