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10 May 2022 6:18 pm
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GHETTOBLASTER » 10 May 2022, 2:31 pm » wrote: At this point all the [[[MINISTRY OF TRUTH]]] has  left in their tool box is to CALL THE MESSENGER names....
Well, NAME CALLING is HIGH on the Democrats List of "INTIMIDATION" tactics...  along with "DENYING FACTS", and accusing REPUBLICANS of doing what THEY are GUILTY of (i.e PROJECTION") !!

HOWEVER... they don't fare well if Republican SEE THRU their BULL ****, IGNORE their BULL ****, and accuse THEM of EXACTLY what they are guilty of !!!

WOE be it to the **** for BRAINS Democrats who think Republican are playing from a 1976 era playbook... GET READY to be SMACKED SILLY with TRUTH, and FACTS..  as HARD as you try to deny the TRUTH and FACTS... as you steadily LOOSE support ACROSS America... and your VOTER FRAUD  becomes TOUGHER, and TOUGHER to make work !!

We are QUICKLY coming to THAT reality !!
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