B.See » 05 Oct 2021, 2:49 am » wrote: ↑
In a speech as far back as April 11, 2014, President Barack Obama came right out and said what MOST of us knew to be true even BEFORE then. That voting rights are under a GOP attack.
Fact was the GOP has been attacking people's right to vote for sometime now, prior to the 2016 election, prior to the 2020 election, and continuing more in earnest now, even as we speak.
The conservative response is that the laws are necessary to address issues of "voter fraud" which in and of itself IS a FRAUDULENT ARGUMENT, created by the right in order to pass discriminatory legislation.
Nor is their attack upon the right to vote their ONLY attack upon civil rights. Because the GOP has also
LONG been busy curtailing the rights of CERTAIN others as well.
APPARENTLY, if you don't see the world through their narrow minded conservatively MYOPIC point of view, you don't DESERVE rights.
WE (liberals) should be screaming, "STOP THE STEAL!"
Texas Republicans Are Pulling Out All the Stops to Dilute the Voting Power of People of Color – Mother Jones
Republicans Kicking Democrats Out Of Polling Locations
McConnell denied that GOP voting changes were racist — but a NC law just got knocked down as discriminatory - Alternet.org
Madison Cawthorn talks of 'bloodshed' over future elections while pushing voting lies - CNNPolitics
QOSHE - Emails, text messages undercut claim Florida’s election overhaul wasn’t political - Gary Fineout
The far-right insanity in Colorado is a symptom of something much deeper -- Americans should be on red alert - Raw Story