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9 Jul 2022 8:55 am
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15 posts
You seem genuinely ignorant of the fact that the people who told you that masks are so important didn't wear theirs.  Newsom was at a party, and they weren't wearing masks.  Newsom's response was to claim that the event was outdoors.  However, it was indoors.  Two lies.  Michigan Governor did the same thing.

And of course let's not forget about that group of politicians who put their masks on for the camera, and then pulled those masks off immediately when they THOUGHT no one was recording them immediately afterward.  If they're not worried about the virus, why should I be?  Don't you just hate liars and hypocrites.  Please tell me you don't really have faith in them.  If so, tell me what your ulterior motive is for believing proven liars and hypocrites?  What motivates you to do such a thing?
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