In fact, one of the most famous eyewitnesses to the gas chamber is Rudolf Vrba, who in 1985 was an assistant professor at the Canadian University of British Columbia. Vrba's testimony has formed the basis of most, if not all, descriptions of the gas chambers of Auschwitz, as he was interned at that camp during the war.
However, in 1985, during a trial of a holocaust revisionist in Toronto, Vrba testified that his book, "I Cannot Forgive", which contained all his eyewitness accounts was "an artistic picture" and that he himself had in fact never witnessed any gassings. ("Book 'An Artistic Picture' : Survivor never saw actual gassing deaths", Toronto Star, January 24, 1985)
Pushed to the point, Vrba admitted that he never witnessed anybody being gassed to death and his book about Auschwitz-Birkenau is only "an artistic picture...not a document for a court." Vrba told the trial that his written and pictorial descriptions of the Auschwitz crematoria and gas chambers are based on "what I heard it might look like." He said that his 1944 drawings of the "Auschwitz camp layout were inexact."