I have no control over your, mirages, here upon the scorching NHB desert sands.
I disagree, one can do both things at the same time
Nope. Not possible. Come to America, then you will see why that is.
Until then, you are wrong.
But hey, feel free to continue bragging about your support for 2 narcissists' intolerance toward my veracious liberalism in the LO room. And each time you reply, defending them, myself and all readers get more and more evidence of your illogical intolerance toward my opinion.
... you aren't cordial anymore because you don't tolerate my opinion and you can't do both things at the same time
Nope. I am not cordial anymore, for the reason I already listed.
If you want to see cordial, then you have to stop defending 2 narcissists for being intolerant of my veracious liberalism.
If you want to see cordial, you have to respect that you have no rights no privileges no grounds to say I am not a Liberal.
If you want to see cordial, you have to stop your diarrhea-laden tonsils from putting forth the oral argument that I intruded upon 2 narcissists' tyranny over the LO room.
I am a liberal. Which means that you have to stop blaming,
me, because you are too intolerant to accept that I should be allowed to post in there.
the safe space for uninterrupted liberal thoughts isn't public... you and I aren't allowed in there for example.. so it makes perfect sense to have some narcissistic tyrants making sure it stays safe... nothing hypocritical about that..

Everything is hypocritical about your insane claim here, but that is oooonly because I am a liberal and I fit the posting-criterion as according to what is listed on the LO room Homepage.
You read the Homepage welcoming users and making you into a liar here. Yes, you see how the Homepage does not say that the LO room is exclusive to 2 narcissist mods, and you see how it does not say liberal users will be subjected to tyranny if the narcissists disapprove of your Liberalism, and of course, you see how it does not say that the LO room is a safe space for uninterrupted
approved-liberal thoughts. I am a liberal, so the rules say I can post there ---no matter who does NOT appreciate my veracious liberalism.
The End.
1 Nomination
Abatjour Jan 17, 2021
Go to original post on Jan 18, 2021 5:09am