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Yesterday 10:33 pm
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Cannonpointer » 12 minutes ago » wrote: The tepid spew he was fed to deliver about Trump "creating uncertainty" rather aggravated me. If I had to produce a meme for how it made me feel, it would look like this:
Image what this world would look like today if all we had were "men" like BV and Johnny U to stand up to Hitler.

We had SOME men like them, but they still were expected to work for the war effort ......

Conscientious Objectors
As alternative service, COs worked in forestry, as human testers   Image  , as firefighters, in farm work, and as hospital attendants in psychiatric hospitals.

No matter what the job was, COs were always under the control of someone else, and had to work without pay. For many COs, their work was boring, depressing, and unrewarding in that the U.S. public did not appreciate their jobs.

Many COs were in forestry, mostly under the control of the U.S. Forestry Service. It was the COs’ job to build dams, levees, and reservoirs; dig ditches; clear channels; and sod gullies  :rofl:  .

COs were also responsible for a large amount of trail-clearing in national parks.

Because a war was going on, farmers needed help to produce their products and asked Selective Service to allow COs to help them.

While most COs worked on dairy farms, others planted crops, picked vegetables, husked corn, dug potatoes, and pruned fruit trees, all for no pay. Veterans’ groups protested that farming was too easy an alternative to military service and, as a result, stricter rules were set. For example, COs could not work within 100 miles of a family member.
Updated 3 minutes ago
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