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26 Sep 2021 11:32 pm
26 Sep 2021 11:32 pm
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
3,714 posts
DeezerShoove » 26 Sep 2021, 10:06 pm » wrote: You must be breathless due to your anxiety. . .
and bursting with glee every time you hear that another one of "the enemy" dies.

Quite a roller coaster of emotions and mixed blessings for you progs.
CONCERN about the unnecessarily protracted severity of a killer pandemic that hasn't yet loosened its grip upon the populace, AND the willful and deliberate efforts on the part of those who DENY the seriousness of it, while placing others in HARM'S WAY, absolutely.

"Bursting with glee?" Hardly.

More idiocracy:

Unvaccinated are 5 times more likely to be infected, and 11 times more likely to die from COVID-19
Mum, 40, who posted she was 'unmasked, unmuzzled, and unvaccinated' dies of Covid - Mirror Online
Anti-vaxx couple dies of virus days after claiming they survived pandemic despite being unvaccinated
Bride-to-Be Who Died of COVID-19 Incorrectly Believed Vaccine Would Cause Infertility, Fiance Says | Inside Edition
Violence emanating from far-right anti-vaccine/anti-mask contingent keeps ratcheting higher
UPDATED x 4 Idaho hospital vandalized with swastikas. Care to speculate why? Bonus trip to 1954...
UPDATE W New Video 3 Women Export Texas "Abbottude" To NY, Assault Hostess Over Covid Vaccine Proof
The daughter of an unvaccinated man who died of COVID-19 says Tucker Carlson and misinformation 'played a role' in his vaccine hesitancy
Woman Who Wanted To Catch Covid-19 Is Now In 'So Much Pain''
'Vigilante treatments': Anti-vaccine groups push people to leave ICUs

MEANWHILE, some RESISTANCE to the lunacy:

Pope urges COVID inoculations, says vaccines are humanity's friends | Reuters
598 government employees in North Carolina suspended without pay as vaccine mandate kicks in - Raw Story
France suspends 3,000 unvaccinated health workers without pay | France | The Guardian
Dr. Fauci says the ‘worst time in the world’ for a government shutdown is in the middle of a pandemic
Delta urges airlines to share no-fly lists to roust mask scofflaws from the friendly skies
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