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2 Feb 2024 2:16 am
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
3,714 posts
Been spending most of my time... elsewhere... but thought I'd lay down another Excerpt from showercapblog dot com

So I Guess It’s Down to Nikki Haley and the Rapist - Friday, January 26th, 2024

Aw, man, I thought he was gonna step on a few more rakes for us, just for old times’ sake, but perhaps there’s a limit to Ron DeSantis’ capacity for public humiliation after all.

Either way, bowing to reality and his sphincter-mouthed orange God, young Ronward bent the knee, on a special cushion he had custom-made to make himself appear taller.

I have mixed feelings. I’m certainly grateful for the failure of the ideology... no viable electoral base for Kinda Efficient State-Enforced Bigotry. ... glad we don’t have to worry about Joseph Ladapo becoming Surgeon General of anything larger.

But I fear Ron will prove irreplaceable. His contributions to the field of left-of-center schadenfreude compare favorably to the all-time greats. I’m sure he’ll be debasing himself further as a general election surrogate, but he’s been on a hall-of-fame run, the one he’s gonna be remembered for.


Say, what’s that rapist been up to lately, other than running away with the Republican residential primary? What’s that you say? Pitching fits at his latest defamation trial? But that’s what he did last week.

Anyway, now that it’s cost him 83.3 million dollars, Donald Trump may be forced to abandon a beloved hobby: terrorizing women he has assaulted sexually.

... the rapist is ready to skip straight to the coronation, and we all know how he feels about democracy. No shortage of willing accomplices in the institutional GOP....

Florida Republicans actually proposed legislation (LEGISLATION!) that would appropriate taxpayer money to pay this **** rapist’s **** legal bills....

Threatening donors, lashing out at every criticism, however slight. Fascist imp Marjorie Taylor Greene yelping about “eradicating” the insufficiently loyal. Yeah, it’s that kind of party.

I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised that we’re getting the Bruckheimer/Bay version of the border scare, with the cosplay cowboys running Texas breaking out the Bundy Ranch playbook, and the odd wannabe insurrectionist putting forth the call for an armed citizen militia....

... the rapist wants the border as a campaign issue, so given devout Christian Mike Johnson’s standing “whatever the rapist wants, the rapist gets” policy, I guess Congress won’t be passing any border compromises any time soon.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden keeps presiding over all these gaudy economic milestones, but he’s still somehow running neck-and-neck with the adjudicated rapist with the Hooverian jobs record. America, get your **** together.

Oklahoma Republicans had some state library board post to fill, and I guess the resumé with “internet bigot-slash-harassment organizer” leapt out at them, because they hired Chaya freakin’ Raichik.

Raichik is maybe the ugliest creature to spawn from MAGA culture in recent years, an insatiable, indefatigable hatemonger. Truly one of the **** Americans ever. And they put her on the “Department of Education Library Media Advisory Committee.” She doesn’t even live in Oklahoma.

Looks like Charlie Kirk’s anti-MLK Jr. rant wasn’t just a one-off holiday special, but a mission statement for a new, even racister Turning Point USA. Good thing we’re not a racist country, Haley, otherwise you might see political influencers telling their massive audiences their lives are in danger if their pilot is Black.

Wisconsin State Representative Joel Kitchens proclaimed himself Archbishop of Reproductive Science by divine right of his years as, I kid you not, a **** veterinarian. [and] Ben Shapiro is rapping now. laugh, but “DAP” (Dry-*** ******) is gonna rule summer 2024.

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