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5 Feb 2024 9:38 pm
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OdeToJoy » 03 Feb 2024, 11:06 pm » wrote: 50% of Nikki Haley supporters are Republicans, and die-hard never Trumpers.  They have said they will vote for Haley in the primary; and if Trump is the nominee, they will vote for Biden.  If Haley is the nominee, the Trumpers will stay home.

It was a similar problem for Romney in 2012.  He was the perfect candidate for the Republicans.  Loving husband and father. Republican values.  No sex scandals.  But the Evangelicals stayed home and refused to vote for a Mormon.  

I think it is a win either way.  Haley's supporters won't vote for Trump, and Trump's supporters won't vote for Haley.
Yes but I think Haley, in trying to appeal to the same hateful, racist rhetoric as that of Trump's may be blowing it with people who might vote for her. At first I thought she was just playing to the base. But I'm becoming increasingly convinced she really believes in the absolute nonsense she's been spouting of late. That's not going to get her any of Trump's cult following. Nothing will. It may only serve to lose what she might've had.
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