So, do you quote the Communist Manifesto before you go to sleep at night?? I bet you read it to the kiddies too!!B.See » 31 Dec 2021, 8:17 am » wrote: ↑ Your worn out **** buzzwords and dogwhistle name calling won't cover for the **** you and YOUR band of reich-winged fascists, supremacists, and neo-Nazis are trying to pull on this country... BUBBA. And the only anti-American **** here is the kind of hate filled demagoguery YOUR Trump Republicans and their fellow INSURRECTIONISTS like MTGreene and **** Carlson preach on a DAILY BASIS.
MORE examples of THEIR reich winged BILE:
America is now in fascism’s legal phase | The far right | The Guardian
'Green light for extremists': Columnist argues Trump's GOP has mainstreamed anti-Semitism - Raw Story
QAnon cultists are now drinking bleach compound from communal bowl: 'Immediately evokes images of Jonestown'
Troops Can Still Be Members of Hate Groups Like the KKK: New DoD Rules
Madison Cawthorn under fire for calling on fellow conservatives to drop out of college like him | The Independent (TRUMP: I LOVE THE POORLY EDUCATED)
Anthrax: Rumors Spread That ReAwaken America Tour Was Poisoned
Rep. Debbie Dingell Shares Example of Abuse Since Trump Bashed Late Husband: ‘I Hope Your Family Dies in Front of You’
Dem lawmaker shares vile audio of death threats against her family since Trump targeted her - Raw Story
CNN analyst exposes MAGA's 'Let's Go Brandon' slur: 'It is fundamentally about insurrection'