FOS » 29 Dec 2021, 4:22 pm » wrote: ↑
Actually no I don't really get it. What makes you think he wants an amusement park in his yard? Or gold bricks? And what would be the objective value of such a thing?
maybe he likes the yard as it is. In fact maybe he is used to it and comfortable with it..
Sometimes leisure really is more valuable than work.
Sorry I kinda feel the need to question this premise. There is not always work to do.
That is precisely my point. It isn't that no work exists. It is his decision that any further work would not be worth the cost in leisure. In other words, work is limitless but the cost in one's labor often at times exceeds the value of what it would result in. At that point you should stop work and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Sit back in leisure and enjoy your yard.
So unemployment is in essence a situation where your labor isn't worth what you receive in return. At that point you decide not to work. It isn't that there is no work which could be done.