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23 Mar 2023 9:53 am
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Skans » 23 Mar 2023, 8:26 am » wrote: Your math is dumb.  Let me tell you what your real math was:  You flipped a weighted coin and bet on the side that usually ends face up in making your decision not to get vaxxed.  Basically, you did what you wanted to do and didn't get the vax. Now, I have no problem with that.
No, he did what most pragmatists would and took a wait and see approach, until more is learned. Particularly in light of the risk VS benefit ratio.
Vaccine RISK VS BENEFIT - Pragmatism (absurdly characterized as "hesitant") VS blind obedience
I, on the other hand, have been vaxed 4 times.  I also had a very mild case of Covid - a very mild head cold that lasted 3 days.
My wife's lasted 1 day, while mine lasted 4 because I delayed treatment for a couple of days.
Same symptoms as yours (we're in our 70s). However we can continue to do that well, because we didn't damage our immune systems with the experimental clot shots. Even better now that our immune systems and T-cell memory are broadly ready for variants.
While for the short lived narrowly focused temporary mitigation you risked offers.....
VAIDS - Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

Even Fauci illustrates your error in jumping in:
I didn't have to sweat kidney-juice, **** brain matter or cough-up lung meat like you did.  I did not lose my sense of smell, taste or end up with some myocarditis heart disease like you did.
My memory is he had a very mild case, beaten early with IVM or HCQ protocols.
You should stick with science rather than the lies of Rachael Maddow and Big Pharma that scared you into being stupid. The actual science tells us:
"5. Conclusions
Our data suggest that there is no increase in the incidence of myocarditis and pericarditis in COVID-19 recovered patients compared to uninfected matched controls. Further longer-term studies will be needed to estimate the incidence of pericarditis and myocarditis in patients diagnosed with COVID-19."

While Big Pharma and even government admit that the experimental clot shots cause myocarditis and pericarditis:
Myocarditis numbers before COVID were 4 per million, post jab 25,000 per million
You bear the scars from your tussle with Covid.  I simply have the antibodies from mine.  So, I feel blessed that I had the good sense to get vaxxed so that I did not end up with the deadly chink-flu like you got.  Today, I'm stronger than ever - been working out in gyms since everything re-opened without a worry in the world about Covid.
And maybe you'll continue to be lucky! Or not.
mRNA vaxx - functional reprogramming of innate immune responses- favoring cancer
Embalmers Find Veins & Arteries Filled with long stretchy Rubbery Blood Clots
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