Wondering why you're having trouble finding contractors/handymen to help you out?
This chart isn't even exponential. It's vertical.
Same in the U.K.:
Including blood issues (and presumably 1291 different "
adverse events of special interest":
When are people going to take an interest in justice for the injured and prosecution of the perpetrators for mass homicide and crimes against humanity? Isn't it well past time to move past the sticking heads in the sand and break out the pitchforks and torches?
As I reported in here, back in July of 2021 after Dr. Charles Hoffe had vaccinated 900 patients he observed alarming results from D-dimer testing and stopped giving vaccines, he gave a dire warning as to what the future might hold regarding micro blood clots.
Canadian Doctor Believes Two-Thirds of Vaccinated Could Die of Heart Failure
I've also included information from competent medical professionals like those in the FLCCC regarding possible mitigation of continuing damage by spike proteins. No shortage of folks believe that just because they feel OK today, that they survived the clot shots OK. Perhaps you did get lucky. But this is all so much like a slow motion train wreck.
wildfire cancers, shingles or so much more.
I haven't checked into this forum for a while. Are their still people in here foolish enough to cheerlead for Big Pharma criminal corporations or their bi*ches in government, (
Robber Baron inspired) Illness Industry and medical academia, or legacy and digital media fellow profiteers?