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21 Jul 2023 7:56 am
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sootedupCyndi » 18 Jul 2023, 12:37 pm » wrote: I have a question?
Is anyone even getting this crap shot into their veins anymore?????
Hey Cyndi!
Perhaps the only ones still getting it are U.S. kids too young to choose for themselves, whose parents are still victims of mass formation psychosis and broken-minded enough to risk permanent disability or death for their kids, who are at essentially no risk. The FDA even included it on the childhood vaccine schedule, likely in order to dump unwanted product (1/3 of J&Js total output expired useless), but mainly because putting it on the schedule gives them additional protection from liability.

It would seem the rest of the world has wised up:


Still stunning:

The reason that only Nigeria, Niger and Burundi labels appear in the above chart, is because the labels for Congo, Chad, Madagascar, Tanzania, Camaroon, Ethiopia and Mali, are underneath them.
Updated 4 minutes ago
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