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1 Dec 2021 7:20 am
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Vegasgiants » 01 Dec 2021, 8:11 am » wrote: This is the conclusion reached by that study

Preliminary findings did not show obvious safety signals among pregnant persons who received mRNA Covid-19 vaccines.
You are reading this in as brain-dead and myopic a fashion as you did the FDA warning regarding vaccine-enhanced disease.

Follow the math. Go to the link and read the whole paper. It doesn't take long. The study overlooked exactly what the OP author and other scientists gleaned from it. They simply addressed the numbers for third trimester and pre-third trimester separately.
If you take issue with the math they used, to arrive at their irrefutable conclusion, then address that.
That being said, the study seems to overlook the miscarriage rate and to focus on the positive rates of third-trimester vaccination, concluding that “Early data...do not indicate any obvious safety signals with respect to pregnancy or neonatal outcomes associated with Covid-19 vaccination in the third trimester of pregnancy.”
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