"A December 2020 comprehensive study confirmed Fauci's January 28th 2020 assertion that asymptomatic transmission of COVID-19 is infinitesimally rare. Furthermore,
some 52 studies - all available on NIH's website - find that ordinary masking (using less than an N-95 respirator) doesn't reduce viral infection rates, even - surprisingly - in institutional settings like hospitals and surgical theaters. Moreover, some 25 additional studies attribute to masking a grim retinue of harms, including respiratory and immune system illnesses, as well as dermatological, dental, gastrointestinal, and psychological injuries. 14 of these studies are randomized peer-reviewed placebo studies.
There is no well constructed study that persuasively suggests masks have convincing efficiency against COVID-19 that would justify the harms associated with masks." - Robert Kennedy Jr. - The Real Anthony Fauci