IkeBana » 09 Jan 2022, 4:30 pm » wrote: ↑
1. Yes.
2. So **** what.
3. Nobody knows that because it's ****.
4. Scientists have been working on mRNA vaccines for decades, including animal testing.
5. If COVID-19 vaccines caused ADE, people who are vaccinated against COVID-19 would have more severe disease. This is not happening. On the contrary, people who are vaccinated typically have very mild disease or none at all. In fact, the majority of COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. are people who aren't fully vaccinated. In May 2021, fully vaccinated people made up just 0.8% of COVID-19 deaths. That means
99.2% of COVID-19 deaths were in unvaccinated people. - Nebraskamed.com
The OP is propaganda.
Thanks for being specific.
1. So you don't care what volume of toxic substances are compounded into your system in Big Pharma's grand experiment. But your immune system might.
Original Antigenic Sin
2. So considering the risk VS benefit ratio is the only rational way to weigh the possible risks against the possible benefits. If a healthy person stands a one in a million or ten million chance of dying of COVID (having been prepared in advance for infection), then one may not deem it prudent to volunteer to be a test animal in the phase three trial of an
unapproved, experimental,
genetically engineered,
chemically enhanced,
innate immune response reprogramming, biological agents for which those that stand to profit are the same ones that "evaluated" their product, while being completely exempt from liability for all damages they cause.
Could Pfizer's vaccine's effectiveness be as low as 19% to 29%?
3. By now everybody should know that vaccinees can both become infected by as well as asymptomatically spread of COVID-19 unless their only source of information is Rachael Maddou. Where have you been? Why do you think recommendations came down for the vaxxed to mask up?
Did Big Pharma create hundreds of millions of ASYMPTOMATIC spreaders of COVID?