IkeBana » 09 Jan 2022, 4:30 pm » wrote: ↑
1. Yes.
2. So **** what.
3. Nobody knows that because it's ****.
4. Scientists have been working on mRNA vaccines for decades, including animal testing.
5. If COVID-19 vaccines caused ADE, people who are vaccinated against COVID-19 would have more severe disease. This is not happening. On the contrary, people who are vaccinated typically have very mild disease or none at all. In fact, the majority of COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. are people who aren't fully vaccinated. In May 2021, fully vaccinated people made up just 0.8% of COVID-19 deaths. That means
99.2% of COVID-19 deaths were in unvaccinated people. - Nebraskamed.com
The OP is propaganda.
4. And as you likely know all prior mRNA vaccines failed in the animal testing phase when ferrets died of vaccine-enhanced disease. Difference this time around being that
you are the animal testing phase. That's why the FDA issued the specific still-standing warning that "
risk of vaccine-enhanced disease over time, potentially associated with waning immunity, remains unknown".
5. Jury is still out. Vaccinees "protection" needs to wane further and their immune systems need to be challenged by a wild viruses. Maybe by the end of the flu season we will have a bit more information. Until then they're just whistling past the graveyard.
And as long as the government gets away with lying about the numbers, and counting dead vaccinated people as being unvaxxed, it will be hard to tell. Just yesterday in a reply on this thread I noticed that young people may be dying at a higher rate than they had been when I ran the odds in May. I strongly suspect the jabs they've been getting are responsible for the increase in their death rate but will have to explore the data.
You are right about ignorant people dying. But whose fault is that? The carnage continues through ignorance and Big Pharma avarice. Yet 99+% of even the elderly and high-risk individuals that died, could have been saved through effective early treatment with HCQ and/or IVM protocols. This is not hyperbole but reality.
Secret formula eradicates COVID in India state of 230 million people
Far from propaganda the OP highlights the REALITY of the situation. It is the exact opposite of the propaganda that is responsible for the completely unnecessary deaths of 800,000 Americans and millions more worldwide by Big Pharma and their lackeys and censors. What would its purpose be as propaganda? to sell pills that can cost as little as 3 cents a dose as an early treatment alternative to $5,700 worth of Remdesivir?