Buffalo » 10 Jan 2022, 11:36 am » wrote: ↑
This is not to argue against vaccines any more than to argue that the Air Force is the only way to win a war, excluding the Army, Navy, and Marines. With a nasty virus like COVID, it should be an all-hands-on deck approach. Instead, we have vaccines to prevent, which are not preventing the current Omicron variant, and late-stage treatment of those already in the hospital.
The missing black hole is those millions of patients with early positive disease who are offered nothing but good luck wishes. These treatments are generally safe, and while not a cure, are effective for many, as the studies demonstrate. We should be throwing everything we can at this disease, yet we are not. Why is that?
I used to parrot that it might be a good idea for the leaky, Typhoid Mary creating, non-vaccines for the sick and elderly (and 99% of folks still believe/parrot the line), but after Eric Clapton was stricken by the vaxx (he had some underlying health issues), I had to wonder why we would think it right to poison the sick and elderly, with leaky, innate immune system reprogramming, experimental biological/chemical agents, at a greater rate than well people, when everyone could get better if treated immediately upon presentation of symptoms or clinical suspicion of COVID-19 with an HCQ or IVM multi-drug/nutraceutical therapy?
Dr. Zelenko recommendations of 3-23-2020 - 500 patients 0 deaths 0 hospitalized
Particularly since the elderly had such a high vaccine mortality rate from the vaccines.
Vaccine death rate for Israel’s elderly 40 times higher than COVID-19 deaths
Let alone when 230 million people in India's largest state of Uttar Pradesh were rendered COVID free in just weeks, through a rapid-test and treat program.
Secret formula eradicates COVID in India state of 230 million people
Let alone the tens or hundreds of billions in debt we are laying on the backs of future generations, along with trillions in debt for dealing with permanent disabilities, heart problems, treatment of cancer and other results of immune system disregulation, that will have to be treated over the next many decades or half century or more.
mRNA vaxx - functional reprogramming of innate immune responses- favoring cancer
CV19 Vaccines are Poison – Karen Kingston - 20X cancer in future is conservative
Canadian Doctor Believes Two-Thirds of Vaccinated Could Die of Heart Failure