ScottMon » 11 Jan 2022, 10:17 am » wrote: ↑
Its clear that you want the vaccines to fail. You need the vaccines to be dangerous. You Will go out of your way to feed your personal cognitive bias.
I see. So you don't count a vaxx sinking from 88% to 3% effective as being a fail.
Or such poor performance against the first variant that came along to challenge them.
Pfizer-BioNTech effectiveness down to 42% Moderna down to 76%
Let alone the abysmal 30-40% effectiveness against omicron. ... st-omicron
You see my friend, nobody has to wish for vaccine failure when it has been evident for months. Particularly when we consider the lies we are fed by government and the vaccine stakeholders - like the media and politicians.
S please enlighten us, at what point should that vaccinee consider his "protection" is worthless since a chart of vaccine waning would look like a half-life chart (but at the rate of about 40% per month according to an Israeli study).
Or is your measure success the likely hundreds of thousands of non-"vaccine" deaths and the millions of adverse reactions including permanent permanent disability?
Since you were entered into the Pharmaco-Vigilance Tracking System operated by Google and Oracle, how many times have you been contacted by the government or the vaccine maker, to see how you are doing? At 3 months? At 6 months?
Gee, I think we likely already know the answer. Why do you suppose that is, particularly in light of Pfizer making a request to hide trial data for the next 55 years?
Could Pfizer's vaccine's effectiveness be as low as 19% to 29%?