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29 Nov 2024 7:22 am
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6,098 posts
Afraid of losing their status and lifestyles and aware of the ongoing and stealthy success of the Obama-inspired transformation of the nation, the ruling elites since 2009 have been gradually aligning themselves with the Marxist-influenced American Left in the expectation that the radical Left would willingly ally with them and defer to a governing oligarchy dominated by the current Ruling Class.

While there is no written agreement there has been a tenuous understanding on power sharing. The Ruling Class would dominate the corridors of power while the Marxists would be free to transform the culture and society. That is, until Trump’s election in 2016 threatened the elite’s status and the left’s ambitions.

Donald Trump possessed a trait that the ruling elites and their Marxist-inspired allies could never match. Trump could not only relate to and empathize with the masses, but he also thought, acted, and spoke like many of them. The possibility of having a man they perceived to be the composite of their stereotypes of average Americans occupying the White House infuriated the self-styled best and brightest. Trump, to them, was a doppelganger for the dimwitted rednecks from the South, the unkempt factory workers from the Midwest, the ill-educated residents of urban ghettos, the unsophisticated farmers, and the vulgar over-the-road truck drivers.

Trump’s ability to connect with the American people and create a new powerful political movement was an existential threat to the Ruling Class as well as the American Left and their decades-old blueprint for achieving political hegemony and transforming the nation into a one-party socialist state.

Updated 4 minutes ago
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