*GHETTOBLASTER » 7 minutes ago » wrote: ↑
Judge Kaplin based his opinion [that you treat as fact]on zero evidence.
Carroll claims she has been sexually assaulted 7 times by 7 different men.
How Ridiculous.
We know why the [[[MSM]]] fail to report that very important detail over and over.
How many guilty verdicts has Kaplin presided over in his court room that were based on zero evidence..?
I think the truthful answer should be NONE until he got the chance to burn Trump.
Both YOU and Kaplan deserve a taste of his own medicine some day....to be found guilty of rape with zero evidence by an angry mob in a back alley.....
Kaplin needs to be audited to see if he recieved funds before, during and after this trial....
Because the fix was in ....and he was the fixer....