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Zeets2 » 7 minutes ago » wrote: Oh, he's the dumbest "economist" in history who ignorant libs like BV still think is a valid and reliable source for anything, no matter how many times he's been proven wrong.  Dopey libs like him are simply impressed with him because the venerable NY Times gives him a regular audience for his **** simply because it always favors their Keynesian agenda.
Here, read this and you'll more than enough about this idiot that will enable you to laugh at such ignorance every time it's uttered from this moron:

There's at least another dozen stories you can find online similar to this one if you're interested.
Krugman has been riding and capitalizing on his Nobel Prize for far too long ...
and BV is in love with the shyster .....
which is another reason to be wary of Krugman.....

Updated 3 minutes ago
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